KPM 575 - National Anthems - Volume 2 (CD).
1 Isle Of Man
O Halloo nyn Ghooie - Land of Our Birth (adopted 1907) - Performed by full orchestra 0:38
2 Israel
Hatikvah - The Hope (adopted 1948) - Performed by full orchestra 1:28
3 Italy
Inno di Mameli - Mameli's Hymn (adopted 1947) - Performed by full orchestra 1:35
4 Japan
Kimi Ga Yo - May 1000 Years of Happy Reign Be Yours (adopted 1893) - Performed by full orchestra 0:41
5 Land Of My Fathers
Traditional Air. Wales - Performed by full orchestra 1:25
6 Libya
Allahu Akbar - God is Greater (adopted 1969) - Performed by full orchestra 0:38
7 Lithuania
Lietuva, tevyne musu - Lithuania Our Homeland (adopted 1918) - Performed by full orchestra 1:35
8 Luxembourg
Ons Hémécht - Our Homeland (adopted 1864) - Performed by full orchestra 1:22
9 Malaysia
Negara Ku - My Country (adopted 1957) - Performed by full orchestra 1:03
10 Mexico
Mexicanos, al grito de Guerra! - Mexicans, to the Cry of War! (adopted 1845) - Performed by full orchestra 1:23
11 Monaco
Le Marche de Monaco - The March of Monaco (adopted 1867) - Performed by full orchestra 1:13
12 Morocco
Hymne Cherifien - Sharifian Hymn (adopted 1956) 1:01
13 Nepal
Ras Triya Gaan - May Glory Crown You, Courageous Sovereign (adopted (1962) - Performed by full orchestra 0:54
14 New Zealand
God Defend New Zealand (adopted 1976) - Performed by full orchestra 0:54
15 Norway
Ja, vie elsker dette landet - Yes, We Love This Country (adopted 1864) - Performed by full orchestra 0:44
16 Pakistan
Pak sarzamin shad bad - Blessed Be the Sacred Land (adopted 1954) - Performed by full orchestra 1:06
17 Poland
Jeszcze Polska nie zginela - Poland Has Not Yet Perished (adopted 1927) - Performed by full orchestra 0:37
18 Portugal
A Portugesa - The Portuguese (adopted 1910) - Performed by full orchestra 1:07
19 Romania
Desteapta-te, române - Wake Up, Romania (adopted 1990) - Performed by full orchestra 2:25
21 San Marino
Inno Nazionale - National Hymn (adopted 1894) - Performed by full orchestra 1:50
22 Scotland The Brave
Traditional Air. Scotland - Performed by full orchestra 2:07
23 Serbia & Montenegro
Hej Slaveni - O Slavs (adopted 1945) - Performed by full orchestra 0:53
24 Slovakia - Long
Nad Tatrou sa blýska - Storm Over the Tatras (adopted 1993) - Performed by full orchestra 1:00
25 Slovakia - Short
Nad Tatrou sa blýska - Storm Over the Tatras (adopted 1993) - Performed by full orchestra 0:32
26 Slovenia
Zdravljica - A Toast (adopted 1990) - Performed by full orchestra 0:58
27 South Africa
God Bless Africa (adopted 1997) - Performed by full orchestra 1:48
29 Sweden
Du Gamla, Du Fria - Thou Ancient, Thou Free (adopted 1884) - Performed by full orchestra 0:42
30 Switzerland
Schweizerpsalm - Swiss Psalm (adopted 1981) - Performed by full orchestra 1:05
31 Turkey
Istiklâl Marsi - The March of Independence (adopted 1921) - Performed by full orchestra 0:58
32 Ukraine
Shche ne vmerla Ukraina - Ukraine Has Not Died Yet (adopted 1991) - Performed by full orchestra 1:58
33 Uruguay
Orientales, la Patria o la tumba! - Uruguayans, the Fatherland or Death! (adopted 1845) - Performed by full orchestra 4:51
34 United States Of America
The Star Spangled Banner (adopted 1931) - Performed by full orchestra 1:17
35 Vatican City
Inno e Marcia Pontificale - Hymn and Pontifical March (adopted 1950) - Performed by full orchestra 2:47
36 Venezuela
Gloria al bravo pueblo - Glory to the Brave Nation (adopted 1881) - Performed by full orchestra 1:31
37 The Craigielee March - Majestic
Traditional song. Australia - Performed by full orchestra 3:07
38 The Craigielee March - Medium
Traditional song. Australia - Performed by full orchestra 2:37